RRS Gather Round 2025

    RRS Gather Round 2025


    The RRS Gather Round Conference on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th April will feature an unbeatable line-up of junior and mid-tier resource stocks, providing investors with the opportunity to meet with company executives and hear company stories firsthand.

    The conference will coincide with the AFL’s “Gather Round” (10 - 13 April 2025), providing the chance to see lots of great company presentations, a panel discussion with leading investment commentators and a past AFL legend, plus watch your favourite footy team in action. 

    RRS has a block booking at the InterContinental Hotel in Adelaide and access to premier tickets to games at Adelaide Oval.

    The conference is free to attend. You can join us in person at the Adelaide Convention Centre or watch live online via our conference live stream. 

    Please note: Registration is open to investors only. We do not accept registrations from industry representatives or trade suppliers.

    RRS Gather Round Conference is proudly sponsored by Bell Direct.



    Event Date and Time

    Start Time: Wed, 09-Apr-2025,  08: 00 AM
    End Time: Thu, 10-Apr-2025, 17:30PM
    Timezone: Australia/Perth


    Physical Event - Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide